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Are You Living In The Future Of Your Emotions?

Updated: Dec 24, 2020

Ed Harrold reveals how breathing influences the emotional centers in our brain.  Ed provides breathing exercises to help self-regulate ourselves.
Are You Living In The Future Of Your Emotions Blog By Ed Harrold

Our minds are constantly replaying something from our past and/or future tripping about how something is going to play out. Because something happened a certain way in the past, it's GOING to happen again the same way . . . at least that's what the mind is telling you.⁠ ⁠

The body is receiving this information as if it IS happening in REAL TIME. The body doesn't have an ego so it doesn't know if you're at home, school, work, opera, gym, broadway show, family gathering, etc. It only knows how you're perceiving BE'ing in any of these environments and acts accordingly in an effort to protect you OR enjoy the moment.⁠ ⁠

When we have fond memories, that feels good. And because they feel good, it actually feels more rational to understand that something probably won't play out the same way it did in the past. We seem to more easily accept that things have changed.

When there is a not-so-fond memory or trauma, we are convinced it will happen again and again. The memory, belief system or trauma is stuck in areas of the body/mind.

Here's the thing, 1) you are different, 2) people are different, 3) the place is different, 4) the timing is different. There are ALOT of variables to the current moment that are different than how your mind experienced something in the past. ⁠ ⁠ So, I ask you, how many times has something played out the way your mind told you it would because of how it played out in the past? Seriously, how many? ⁠

One of the most effective ways we transform our sub-conscious memories is through breath. We use the inhale to understand where we're placing our attention and the exhale to release the emotion and transform the behavior.

There is a mounting body of research today validating the role of the vagus nerve in our cognition and emotional intelligence. Especially in neuropsychiatric disorders.⁠ ⁠80-90% of the vagus nerve is sensory nerves while the other 10 to 20% is motor. So, we're going to use our breath to stimulate the vagus nerve transforming thoughts and emotions.

Breath Awareness Exercise⁠

1) Notice where you're holding tension i.e. shoulders, back, legs, hands, jaw, etc.⁠

2) Go back to what you were just thinking about a moment ago that created this tension⁠ 3) See how you're playing out in the present moment⁠ based on a memory

4) STOP, BREATHE, I mean really take some nice long breaths doubling the length of the exhale. This might feel hard because the exhale is where we FEEL the emotions around the memory/thought. But, you've got to exhale and feel it to transform it.⁠

5) If the exhale feels challenging, slow down the pace of the exhale. Don't rush the next inhale.

6) As you exhale, release the fragmented part of Self participating in this memory⁠.

7) As you inhale, place your attention on the present moment placing your attention on what's really happening.

8) Repeat 6 & 7 for several rounds until the emotion has dissipated and your exhale is effortless.

Use this technique for day-to-day thoughts, emotions and habits you would prefer to transform that don't serve your GREATNESS!

What to go deeper? Try this 30-minute breathwork and awareness technique from our 30-Day Breath Challenge. This is a sequenced breath routine designed to bring a belief pattern into your awareness and transform it. We worked on self-love and forgiveness. You can use this routine for any mindset you wish.

Go BE Great!



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