Ed Harrold’s Breath AS Medicine breath coach training focuses on breath regulation concepts & strategies by applying the principles and philosophy of yoga breathing (or pranayama) to improve breathing rates and patterns; thereby, improving brain health, heart health, respiratory health, nervous system imbalances, endocrine health, circadian & ultradian rhythms as well as cognitive function and emotional intelligence.
Breath AS Medicine is a highly effective modality for both the prevention of illness as well as therapy for managing and/or reversing existing chronic illness. With evidence-based concepts & strategies, this breathwork training is specifically designed for professionals who want to learn the art, science and application of yoga breath regulation strategies and concepts as a self-care, wellness & well-being, patient care and patient education practice in prevention, fitness and athletic training, lifestyle medicine, behavior change and a supplement to conventional care.
The Breath AS Medicine breathwork teacher training provides students with the foundational skills and techniques to apply breathing for stress reduction, breathing for sleep health, breathing for upper respiratory health, breathing for mental health, breathing for fitness and exercise performance, breathing for weight loss, breathing heart health, breathing for cognitive health, breathing for emotional intelligence and so much more!
Discover your "life with breath" applying "breath AS medicine".
Benefits Of Breath AS Medicine
These are the reported results of implementing the nasal breathing philosophy of the Breath AS Medicine philosophy into health and wellness coaching:
89% Improved Moods
83% Feeling less stressed
78% Improved fitness and athletic performance
72% Improved mental clarity and focus
66% Reduced hypertension and improvement in blood pressure
61% More sustainable energy
57% More productive at work
56% Less anxiety
48% Better sleep
32% Improvement in chronic illness conditions
28% Better communication skills